
FlexScan Induction Scanners

FlexScan induction scanner breaks new ground by delivering the most affordable scanner in the marketplace.

Initially designed for heat-treating processes for both in-place or scan, the Radyne FlexScan® Induction scanner can be adapted for different heat-treating and brazing applications. FlexScan® Scanners and Pop Ups are economical, modular, ideal for small parts, and easily configurable for different part types.

FlexScan® Induction Scanner Features

Due to its modular design, the base FlexScan® scanning system may be easily adapted to suit different induction heating processes including, but not limited to, heat treating, brazing and soldering, shrink fitting, and even heat staking.

The FlexScan® scanner incorporates only non-ferrous materials in the built-in modular quench and water recirculating systems.

The operators interface features a full color HMI with embedded controls. The modular design allows for the system to be easily adapted into various production arrangements, and provides for simplicity in diagnostics and maintenance.

FlexScan® Induction Scanners offers several scanner personalities:

  • In place
  • Fixed pop
  • Scan pop
  • Single feed multi-zone
  • Multi-feed multi-zone


  • Dual or single spindle models
  • Built-in quench tank
  • Recipe call on demand
  • Virtually limitless control possibilities for the most challenging induction heating specifications
  • Optional QAS 2000 Monitoring and Alerting System for process monitoring and trace-ability for each part processed
  • Compact and portable flexible lift and rotate system


Heat Treating, Brazing & SolderingShrink FittingHeat Staking.



Jl.Flores II Blok C7 No.4 Kawasan Industri MM2100, Desa Mekarwangi, Cikarang Barat Bekasi, Jawa Barat

  • Phone: +62 21 89982005
  • Fax: +62 21 89982004

Tech Specs

FlexScan® 12 FlexScan® 28 FlexScan® 36
Scan Length 12 in. [30 cm] 28 in. [71 cm] 36 in. [91 cm]
Scan Speed 3.5 in. per second
[88 mm per second]
3.5 in. per second
[88 mm per second]
 3 in. per second
[76 mm per second]
Rotation Speed 0 – 185 RPM 0 – 400 RPM 0-30 RPM
Part Weight 75 lb. per spindle
[34 kg per spindle]
75 lb. per spindle
[34 kg per spindle]
2500 lb.
[1133 kg]
Part Diameter 6 in. (dual spindle)
[152 mm (dual spindle)]
6 in. (dual spindle)
[152 mm (dual spindle)]
60 in.
[152 cm]
Spindles Single or dual Single or dual Single
Quench 20 GPM 35 gal.
[75 LPM 132 L]
50 GPM 200 gal.
[189 LPM 757 L]

100 GPM 300 gal.
[378 LPM 1135 L]
300 GPM 1300 gal.
[1135 LPM 4921 L]
Operator interface Color HMI & embedded controls